Saturday, June 13, 2009

881 Emails Waiting

George was over Thursday night and he FIXED my email! I had 881 emails waiting to be mostly deleted, some read. Wow, it was like rejoining the 21st century. I sent everyone I know an apology email. Aunt Bobbie wanted to know if I was mad at her because I wasn't responding to her emails. That's bad. I hadn't even thought my silence would be interpreted as being angry.

I had Ana here for a few nights. Kathey needed a break (she is always playing the pity card). Ana was fine, though she spent most of her time on the Internet probably getting into trouble. Apparently she had stayed up pretty much all night Thursday and chatted with 'kids' (yeah, right. How many kids are up at 3:30 in the morning?) Glad she's not my kid and I would have to worry about it!

I also had Susanna's girls over this afternoon. Fifi and Emmi hadn't been here since our Disney trip in February and Krissy hadn't been over since September! They managed to trash the house and eat everything in sight. But Felicia bowled a few games of Wii with me and that was fun. I was thrilled when everyone went home. Love them dearly but they stress me out!

Not much more to report. Guess I'll go find something to do. Going to bed sounds like a viable option!

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