Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ashes to Ashes

I picked up Cujo's ashes this afternoon. I also bought a container that kind of looks like an urn - it doesn't have a good seal but I figure I can glue it closed after the ashes are put inside. I don't know when I'll be able to do that. It was all I could do to keep from crying when I picked up the ashes. I got to the car and bawled.
♥♥♥ I miss her so much. ♥♥♥

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Adjusting to My New Normal

I'm working on adjusting to my 'new normal' without my Cujo. The boys go outside as soon as I let them and the house is quiet and still. Just me. I hate it.

Shawn's passport has been returned to the passport people and they are suppose to be sending it to our post office for pick up. It should be here next week. BUT, Shawn is thinking he won't be able to get that last week in May off because they keep firing sales reps. I think I'll drop in at the travel agent tomorrow to see what kind of options we will have for our Greece trip but I won't plan anything. Shawn really doesn't want to go and is desperate for excuses to not be able to make it. Although I'm excited about the passport showing up, I'm still pretty pessimistic we'll make the trip. It would be an incredible trip, though!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Broken Hearted

I lost Cujo Kitten Hunt-Weissenbach on Easter Sunday. She had been sick for a few weeks and I kept taking her in. First we thought she had injured her hip - a week later she started throwing up and we thought it was a kidney stone. She got worse and worse, not eating for a week and only taking in water when I got it to her through a syringe, though you could tell she was hungry and thirsty. The vet was keeping her over the week-end to hydrate her and run some bloodwork. She called Sunday night to say we had lost her. They are doing an autopsy because the vet has absolutely no idea what the problem was. The thought of an autopsy is upsetting but I have the three boys and if there is something in the environment, I need to know so I can protect them. I took two days off work and cried and cried. I still cry at the drop of a hat (crying now) and I will always cry for her and for her sister Princess Leia.

I lost my Cujo Baby Cujo - and she wasn't quite 7.