Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Last day of October - Halloween! I did not decorate; I was doing well to get trick-or-treat candy. Maybe I will find the spirit to decorate next year.

New Orleans was fun but I have no desire to return. Been there, done that. Check it off my Bucket List and move on. Still thinking of hitting Disney in January but the cost might not work - not with Hawaii in October 2013. I'll have to see what happens with the telecommuting decision and if I will need to start covering the cost of gas to and from the office three times a week. That will put a huge dent in my budget and not only Disney but possibly Hawaii will have to be put on a back burner. We shall see.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Complicated Niece

So Andrea decided she didn't really want to spend the weekend with her family (since she can't stay here as we are leaving town and after last June, we do not feel good leaving her here). So she took too many pills, called the ambulance and went to the pych ward for a few days. Again. She's just returned home - not sure what she is planning for the weekend but we aren't changing our minds.

We are giving her one more chance at getting her act together and being a responsible person when it comes to managing her meds, her school and her life. If she decides to hide from reality with another 'respite' at a local medical institution, she will not be returning here. Although she is calm (for the most part) and polite and all while here, her drama is starting to wear on us. We avoid drama - she thrives on it. This is her final chance to get a grip on things and succeed. I get to talk to her about it tomorrow I guess. Fun.

I also find out tomorrow what the verdict is on the telecommuting program at work. There is a big meeting for the afternoon - if they've decided to do away with it and expect us all to report to the office, I will need to put together my resume and start job hunting for something closer. Driving to the office would be like taking a 10% pay cut (with gas and car wear-and-tear) and that's BEFORE taxes. In take-home pay, we're looking more at a 20% pay cut. And I just don't have that kind of money.

The house is still in limbo. Everytime we accomplish one demand from the lenders (remove the mold, replace the roof, paint the exterior) it seems they come up with another one. They've demanded two appraisals - tomorrow I guess George finds out if they were happy with this second appraisal and will OK the loan. I am just waiting to hear what they expect next. This is insane.

I miss my Tucker Martini.