Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Vacation Planned!

Seems like I just got back from vacation - I shouldn't be planning another one already. But I am!! Come October, we are going to spend two nights at a brand new hotel resort at Universal Studios, spend a whirlwind day dashing through the two Universal parks (including Harry Potter!!!) and then board the Disney Dream for a four-night cruise that includes two days at Castaway Cay!!! I am so excited! No idea how I'm going to pay for it - this will be a summer of no-spending. Our week-ends will be spent at the Weissenbach pool, maybe share a $15 bottle of wine at a winery. Catch a $5 matinee. Watch a lot of TV. Thrifty spending at the grocery store (no impulse purchases, no flowers, no candy/cookies/pastries.) It won't be easy but it will so be worth it!

Next year's vacation will be playing Hawaiian music on the back deck.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Settling Into Summer

Not a whole lot to report - summer has hit us and the boredom is setting in. I can't believe a few weeks ago I was discovering Ireland, and now I'm back in Kansas sitting in front of a computer for 9 hours a day, growing fatter and older by the minute. Heavy sigh.

I am ready to book the Disney Cruise but I can't get Shawn to totally commit. I think I should do it anyway and we can worry about airfare and determine if we want to add a quick jaunt to Universal, later. I just know I will be able to hang on through the summer if I know Disney is my reward!

There's talk of finishing the basement this winter. I still need to get to the Hot Tub place to buy my hot tub. My summer clothes are still in boxes. Did I mention Jackass was diagnosed with cancer (I think it's colon, stage 2)? I'm a good 12 years away from retirement - yesterday marked my 16th anniversary with ACI. Dan has his girls for the next two months. 

Told you I had nothing to report!!