Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Surgery Again

Well, I've scheduled another surgery - this time for Curly and Mo. About a week or so ago Mo went in to heat and Curly followed a few days later. They are spraying EVERYTHING and meowing CONSTANTLY. As cold as it was today (with a high of 10 degrees) I let them out after listening to them howl all night. And they stayed out most of the day. So, February 25 they go in for ball-removal surgery. I already hate myself. But even if they weren't in heat, it's the responsible thing to do. I donate tons of money to organizations that help unwanted dogs and cats - how can I not have my own neutered? It will be OK - they will be OK.

So I think Charlie and I may take the girls to Pikes Peaks this June! Charlie says he'll go (and help with the cost which is really the only way I can even consider it) and I'm hoping Susanna and Gregg will let all three girls go. Emmi and Krissy have never seen the mountains - the only trip Emily has taken outside the KC area has been to Omaha which she doesn't remember and Kristen has never been outside the area. We will rent a car, get a couple of rooms and hit Garden of the Gods, Cave of the Winds, the Cliff Dwellers Museum, the Zoo and Pikes Peak Cog. It should be a lot of fun. I think I'll let John know of the plan - he and his kids may be able to join us. I just have to keep my cost to under $700 (that would be $1,400 for the trip - I think that is do-able).

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