Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another Boring Week-End

Well, it is yet another boring week-end with nothing to do and no money to do it with. Is this really what God had in mind when He gave the angels the OK to create me? For me to sit on my tush day in and day out, vegetating in front of the TV or computer screen? I thought there were bigger things in store for me. I thought wrong. I will live a life of quiet desperation - just like most Americans.

Curly and Mo have had The Surgery and there have been no complications. I was worried about it - maybe because I had nothing else to worry over. I've been the responsible pet owner - good for me.

George and Breezy are expecting! They are thinking in October but haven't been to the doctor's yet for confirmation. It's great news of course, but... well, is anyone really prepared to become a parent? Maybe Sandra Bullock but she's about it. I hope they will do the quick court house marriage just to make things legal (you never know) and then they can have a lovely spring wedding after Baby is born. I suspect they will be leaving Leavenworth and moving at least a tad closer to her parents - but that would only be 30 minutes or so away. I'm happy for them but a bit melancholy over my non-moving life. The only one of us with a more boring existence would be Charlie- and his life might actually be more exciting than mine. At least he has friends and a hobby that gets him out. I have nothing. And really no one.

Todd and Wendy may be moving to Alabama. Another set of lives being lived while mine is wasted away. Great.

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