Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting Old

Devin has announced his engagement - I'm feeling old. I am pretty sure I've started 'the change' - I'm feeling old. I have to color my hair every quarter - I'm feeling old. Life is pretty sucky right now.

I also owe more money than I even realized. I had thought I could pay off the Disney Card in 12 months but I don't think I can swing that unless I get a second job. So where does a 46-year old go for a second part time job? No idea. But I think this spring I'm going to need to find out. I can't carry this debt - Shawn would stroke out if he knew how much I owe. I almost stroked out when I found out. I've no idea why I keep spending - no idea. But it stops. Now.

New Year 2011 is in 3 days. Is it going to be a good year or am I going to have a health issue? Will I get my weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and finances under control? Will I have friends this year or still be pretty much alone? I am not so sure I want to find out.

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