Saturday, August 15, 2009

Night-Loving Nightmare

Ana was suppose to spend the night last night but I never heard back from my attempts to contact Kathey - so no Ana. However, I did have Felicia, Emily and Kristen. Most of the event was fun and productive - but those kids don't sleep at night. Krissy slept from 12:15 to 4:00, Emily from 12:45 to 3:00 and Felicia from 5:00 to 8:00. I got about three hours of VERY interrupted sleep! Then as the sun started peeking out, the girls decided it was time to go to sleep. I wasn't having any of that! I yanked their sorry tushes out of bed, threw them all through the shower/tub, got them breakfast and off we went to the park before it got too hot. We also scrap booked both last night and this morning and hit McDonalds on the way home. Krissy actually fell asleep at McDonalds. That will teach them. At least I know have a year before they sleep over again!

I don't know what got into me, but I looked up Hanz on Facebook - and I think I found him! Spelled 'Hans' now (though he once told me that's how he spelled it until the military checked his birth certificate and found the nurse had misspelled it on the certificate), the guy lives in San Fran and, though I couldn't access his Facebook wall, I did look through his friends list and a lot of them are in the Philippines. But his profile picture is of a guy's back, pointing off in the distance. All I really wanted was to see what he looked like and all it has is a back! And now I feel kind of guilty for looking him up at all. (And I know I'll look him up again to see if he changes his picture to a front image.) Blast from the past. I blame it on George having his 20th high school reunion this week-end and my upcoming birthday. Has me thinking of my younger years. I would never actually contact the guy (not looking like this!!)

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