Sunday, July 10, 2011

Off On Vacation

The girls are getting ready to leave for Alabama (they are staying with Kelly at the hotel tonight) and I am getting ready to leave for Colorado Springs with John and his family. I'll be heading to Wichita tonight and just riding with them as Charlie backed out, Susanna won't allow her girls to go and Dan has to be in class tomorrow. I feel badly as I had John rent a huge house with a big price tag and now it's only going to be half full. I try and fail.

Dan has decided to not stay with George if he can find a studio apartment for under $500. He has a call in to a friend of a friend of Shawn's who rents small houses and such mostly to military folk in for class. Fingers crossed he'll have one available for Dan because I don't think Dan will survive in that house. I'm going to miss having Bailey around to walk - I might have to go over to Dan's and walk him a few times a week! And I'll miss having Snowy tiptoeing around (Kelly's taking Snowy with them) and Reynolds demanding attention while I work. And mostly I'll miss the girls and Dan around keeping me company. It will be very quiet and still here when I get back next Friday.

But my boys will be glad to have their house back and Tom's kids are always just up the street.

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