Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Gobble, gobble - Happy Thanksgiving!

It was a quiet one with just me and Shawn. That's OK, though, it still worked. Had turkey and stuffing, a bean and corn casserole, Greek salad (in honor of my trip to Greece this year) and dinner rolls. And pecan pie! It was a nice meal, lots of leftovers for future meals and clean up was fairly easy. Now, on to Christmas!

I have Felicia's ornament to order online tomorrow (during their Black Friday sale) and then two items for Shawn - not quite ready to get those in case he gets them for himself, first! Two more weeks and I should be safe. Fingers crossed!!

And I have overtime this week. Got two hours in yesterday and am hoping for two hours tomorrow and maybe three on Saturday. But I also have Felicia coming over tomorrow (that shouldn't be too much of a problem) and Tom and his family coming over (and Susanna's girls) Saturday. That might pose more of a problem with getting OT in. We shall see - I really need to work it because I have Christmas gifts to pay for!

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