Saturday, January 30, 2010

Time To Diet

Beginning Monday, I hit a serious diet. I know, I know - been there, said that. But this time I think I'm finally ready and Shawn is dieting, too. That means no tempting meals out - a big help. And I'm cleaning my house of junk food. I have three brownies left and a few handfuls of M&Ms. And Girl Scout cookies I'm pretty sure I can ignore (they're in the basement - out of sight out of mind). I plan on filling a bowl every morning with what I can eat, minus dinner. A pear/apple, a banana, an orange, string cheese, oatmeal pack and a small cup for V-8. By setting that out every morning, there will be no reason to open the fridge or a cupboard. And then salads or fish/chicken for dinner. For the month of February - it's a short month, I can do it! I have to do it.

Add to that an exercise regimen of sorts. A round of DDS, a round of jogging and a round of biking on the Wii with 20 minutes of walking on the treadmill. Moving but not bored (I hope). Again, for the month of February - it's a short month, I can do it!

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