Sunday, January 24, 2010

What's Up With Mo Sockie?

I am worried about my Mo-mo Sockie. He twitches continuously, walks around crying/swearing, is starting to spray areas and seems quite miserable. I took him to the vet just over a week ago and he gave Mo a clean bill of health (and three shots!) and suggested maybe his issue is hormonal - that he's hitting puberty and once the extra boost of hormones calms down, so will he. I guess it makes sense, after all, his Tiger Lily Mama was pregnant at 10 months, but I kind of have my doubts. I've had enough male cats in my life and I've never seen this kind of behavior. He does seem happiest when he's outside and, fortunately, the weather has been nice enough these last few days that he can spend great amounts of time outside. I worry about the poor guy. And I've noticed Curly Monkey is starting to shiver/twitch, too.

I just ordered three Frontline applications for $50 (on sale!) and two items for Felicia's cat who has ear mites. That came to something like $20. Fortunately I spent enough that I get free shipping. Mo has to go back in two weeks for his second round of baby shots, Curly needs both rounds and they both need neutering. I'm looking at about $700 before it's all over. I must love them very much (I do!)

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