Sunday, December 8, 2013

Count Down to Christmas

Not really a lot to report - finally have the house decorated for Christmas; took me an entire week! But it looks nice, smells fabulous and feels warm and inviting. 

My Correspondence job officially ends Wednesday. Thursday I report to the office for processing training. I am trying really hard to keep a positive attitude but it's hard. Getting dropped down two pay grades, effectively being told what I've done for the last 13 years has been unappreciated and unnecessary - so easy that a computer can do it. I am planning on spending the winter months lining up my ducks so in the Spring I can venture forth to see what might be out there for me. I really liked writing letters, too. 

The weather has turned sour. Snow is on the ground, the temperature is frigid and the wind biting. The cats are restless to get out - until they get out; then they want back in! Bailey can go only so far before he gets ice and snow in his paws and stops walking - then I have to carry him home. I hate winter.

Some sad news - Snicker Doodle has gone to his new hopefully-forever home. The lady worked with Shawn for about three weeks (she's already quit) and was in need of a kitty. She seems to be the exact person I was praying God would send - but it still killed me to say good bye to Snicker. I hope he is happy with his new Mama. I'm pretty confident he is.

That's all I have to report - signing off.

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