Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Another Christmas has come and is slowly slipping away into the night. The day started off rough - Shawn backed out of our Christmas Eve movie night. I guess I need to let that tradition die - every year it's pulling teeth to get him to agree to go; so not worth it. The only holiday tradition we had, too. Took me several hours today to move past the anger and rejection.

George had mentioned us visiting with him this afternoon. I sent a text a few days ago to lock down a time and he never responded - so we didn't go. I get tired of always being the one to follow-up. He didn't send a text wondering where we were, either. 

I DID have an enjoyable time at the Weissenbachs. They have become my family. Everyone came in this year, including Devin and Alicia (still engaged but no wedding set), Tara and Cody (still dating but no engagement), Abby, Wendy and Todd, Scott and Jenny with their kids and a bunch of hanger-ons. It was a really nice gathering, and we were the first to leave (we both work tomorrow - no one else did!!)

Next week the calendar starts over again - hopefully it will be a good year.

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