Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Busy Saturday

Hmm, so I have Pippi spending the night Saturday - all night - AND I have to get Shawn and hopefully Scott and Jenny to The Legends for dinner where Todd and Wendy are going to surprise them all with a quick visit. I am exhausted just thinking about this week-end!

I'm not in the least bit in the holiday spirit this year. Most years I would be done with my shopping and most of my wrapping; this year the only gifts I have are the few Christmas ornaments I bought on sale at the end of last year's season! Nadda, Zilch, Nothin'. And I can't seem to find the spirit to get started. I am not sure what's wrong with me this year. I am very bah-humbuggy.

Tomorrow is Mom's birthday - she would have been 77. I can't even imagine her that old. I went by yesterday and put a sunflower on her grave and one on Dad's (for Veteran's Day). I will probably not go by again tomorrow. I also went to Mount Muncie to check out the new Hunt headstone Tony had commissioned to capture and recognize the Hunts that were in the old mausoleum. It is very nice. He went all out (and my two vases just added the finishing touch - now I can put flowers for the 1800's Hunts.)

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