Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter, Winter Go Away

I cannot even begin to tell you how ready I am for winter to be over. I am dreaming of taking Shawn on a midweek getaway to Vegas but he won't go until it's 80* and that is getting too close to Greece to do both. I just hate this winter - it is dragging slower than ever before.

Did I mention we have both completed and filed our paperwork for passports? Shawn filed a week after me, using his mother's old passport, to which he was added as a baby, rather than a birth certificate. Fingers crossed we get them in time to book a flight and make arrangements for Greece. I kind of get this feeling the trip is slipping through my fingers, though. Wouldn't it be great if we made it? Imagine wandering the ruins of Greek temples and sitting shore side to the Mediterranean. Wow.

I took Shawn to Granite City for Valentine's Day. We had a real nice time and I got all dressed up for it. Now he wants to go back tomorrow for their lunch special. That's fine by me but it's what he always does - return to places he enjoyed rather than try some place new. Or at least some place we haven't been in awhile. Oh, well.

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