Sunday, August 10, 2014

One Week Left

I'm one week away from turning 5-0. I don't know why I'm so obsessed about this birthday. Guess it's because I truly expect it to be the last decade I'm fairly confident I'll get through. From 60 on, any day could be THE day for the heart attack, stroke, aneurism, cancer diagnosis. And I'm turning 50 overweight, in a bad job, a not-full-enough bank account and ugly. 

I've decided to try a 2Changes 'diet' - though it's not really a diet. I started off with making only two changes - no candy and no eating after 7 p.m. Then every two weeks I add two more changes. First it was a serving of vegetables and 10 minutes on the stationary bike, and beginning today, no cookies and 10 minutes of stretching. I will continue to build my 2Changes plan until I've changed my lifestyle for the better. I don't know if I'll lose any weight or tone up, but I think it's the best I'll be able to do. Weighing food, counting points, adding calories just makes me more obsessed over food. I have to develop a program that doesn't have me thinking about food all the time. Maybe my 2Changes will be the trick.

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