Saturday, April 5, 2014

Getting Closer

I am getting closer to Ireland! Next month I jet off to fulfill a dream. Very excited. I've been researching things to see/do in the towns we'll be in and have a list. Of course top of that list is Eyrecastle - I only hope it won't require us going out of our way or giving up an entire day to do that one thing. I can't believe I'm going!!

I'm having an Easter Egg Hunt for Piper and Eva in two weeks. I really debated over whether to offer to do it and finally decided that I did it for the other Hunt kids for years and it's not fair Piper should miss out just because she came along so late. And an Egg Hunt isn't much fun alone, so I thought I would have Eva come over as well, though at nine months there's not a lot of hunting for her. She's maybe crawling, definitely not walking. And probably no candy for her at all. And I had declared that I was finished have Tom and his family over for gatherings. Oh, well.

Shawn's parents are going on a cruise next January - and apparently have invited us along (we would have to pay our own way of course. They only pay for Todd's and Scott's vacations!) I am not sure we will be going - if we do Disney World next year (and we will!), I'm not sure we will be able to afford a cruise, too. And we are planning a Weissenbach family get-away week-end to celebrate Del and Gayle's 50th wedding anniversary, too. Lots of money going out the door!

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