Sunday, July 7, 2013

All By Myself

Tom and his family have moved to Lenexa. They came by for Andrea's stuff so she is also officially and completely out. It's just me and Shawn (and the boys) again. I hate this feeling of being left behind - even when I needed them to go. Here I sit alone again, doing the exact same thing I've been doing for 10 years.

Guess the good news is we are expecting Dan and the girls in two weeks. Dan said his Pack Out date is Tuesday so they may actually show up earlier than that - I don't know where else they are going to go. But they will also leave (while I'm in Scotland so it won't be so hard on me.) And I know George will take Piper and move in the next five years, once he gets to a good place with the house and can sell it for a small profit.

I am not going anywhere.

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