Friday, April 12, 2013

Family Drama

Heavy sigh.

I had gotten used to not having a sister in my life - had reminded myself I have only brothers. Then a Facebook message pops up from Susanna. It said she misses me and loves me. WTF?

I sat on it for a few days and responded, saying I only want her to be happy and if that means living five miles away and never seeing one another, then that's what it means. Even told her I love her and the girls.

A few days later she responds - how are things going, how are you feeling? WTF - Part II.

I haven't responded. Truth be told, having her not in my world has made my life that much less stressful. I can't go back to trying (unsuccessfully, I know) bite my tongue around the girls when they tell me the latest stupid thing Susanna and Jackass have done or said. I can't go back to living on eggshells around them. I can't go back to what I finally got behind me. So what do I do?

And the wedding count down has begun on Facebook - I should un-friend Breezy but I'm afraid to make a move she will interpret as hostile and react the way she has in the past. Not so much for me as for George who knows he's f**ked. He needs all the support he can get, and should Breezy decide to pull a 'Susanna' and mark me as Enemy #1, George has to suffer for it.

I don't want to get sucked in to other people's miseries - I really don't.

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