Saturday, November 10, 2012


Sold the house to George! Hooray! Put the check ($83,000) in the bank and did the Dance of Joy! I also dropped off all the tax stuff I've collected with Jennifer - she is going to get the trust all straightened out. Hopefully by March, I'll be writing checks! I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Shawn and I have been having some issues - well, one issue really; his drinking. I have told him I will no longer go out to eat with him because he gets drunk and I get embarrassed. Shushing him as he talks smack about races, cleaning up his drunken spills and turning red when he says something embarrassing is no way to spend a meal. So, I am not dining out with him until he gets some help. He is too far gone to be able to pull back on his own; unfortunately, he doesn't see that he needs help. I really have some serious thinking about my future. I'm not sure how much longer I can go on living like this - neither one of us is happy.

Started my Christmas shopping. Fun - not really.

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