Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Lord of the Rings

Charlie and I saw the KC Symphony last week-end perform The Lord of the Rings. Very good. Since it ended late, I just stayed the night at his house - he said I was his first overnight guest! I think he was pleased to have someone to tend to. And I wasn't visited by any ghosts! Win-win.

Tomorrow I take, or rather Shawn takes, Mysterious to the vet for a snip-snip job. I am so not looking forward to it and I know he's going to be scared, confused and in pain. I will just ask St. Francis to watch over and keep him and I'll make sure to get him as soon as I can in the afternoon so he won't have to stay there any longer than necessary. Poor baby - I know I'm being a responsible pet owner by neutering him but it still breaks my heart. And Tiger Lily still needs to go, once she's dried up (which won't happen until the kittens are removed which won't happen until they find new homes!) I wish there was a less painful, less stressful way to do this. My poor baby Myster.

Shawn's niece, Tara, graduates from High School on Sunday. I can kind of remember my high school graduation. Almost 30 years ago. I never thought I would be this old - I couldn't have imagined it. Yet, here I am. And getting older by the minute!

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