Turns out Andrea had two boys stay over Friday night, during which she had sex with one (breaking our agreement about no boys upstairs) while leaving the other to his own devices. There were trust and estate documents all over the dining room table, personal bank documents on the kitchen counter, and since she took one upstairs she also escorted him to my office where there is plenty of client information. THEN, after her father caught her with these two guys, she thought it was fine to have them over AGAIN Saturday night!!! I felt totally violated, like I had two intruders living in my home for the week-end. When Andrea said she was going to come clean, she tried to still deny the sex until I looked her in the eye and told her to think very hard about what she was about to say because we already knew the answer (found a used condom in her trash). So even when she was 'coming clean', she was lying. So the trust is gone. Probably against our better judgement, we agreed to give her a second chance - so you know she's thinking that since we had originally said no second chances and we were breaking that, that she could 'convince' us to give her additional chances in the future. We won't.
I was forced to spend $100 for a filing box for all the trust/estate docs and keep them in my office, a locking filing cabinet for the work documents and a new door handle with a lock and key. And when we go out of town, aka in October, she will not be allowed to stay here. She will have to find some place else for that time frame. Disappointed to say the least - we offer her a free safe place to stay with very few rules, we don't ask her where she's going or when she will be back, there are no chores for her to do... and she pays us back by breaking our agreement the very first chance she gets.
Other news; George wants to buy the folks' house. We have to get the mold out and the roof repaired for any mortgage company to OK a mortgage so that's going to adjust the cost of the house - something I havent' talked to him about yet. But those are the two items that have prevented it from selling. Fix it and we could possibly sell the house to someone else for more. So, I have to ask more from George. he won't be pleased - but I have to think about everyone, not just me and George. Charlie could use the money, Tom needs the money, Dan wants to add to the girls' LQ accounts, and the Jackass probably is due a new computer. I have to keep their interest in mind when I sell the house.
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