Sunday, September 4, 2011

We're All Going To The Zoo This Morning

Shawn and I hit the KC Zoo today - the weather was perfect, the company was perfect and the price was perfect (free!) What a great way to start training for Disney - and judging by how my feet felt after just a few hours of walking around, I'm doomed! Good thing I got a batch of prednisone from the doctor's last week!

Not a lot to report - working a lot of overtime not so much because I want to help the team but because I really need the money. I have Tucker still to get to the vet and I want to get my hair done for vacation. And we have estimated taxes due this month, next month we have car tags... it's never ending. I won't be able to put in OT in October (because I have it off!!!) so I need to do as much as I can stand this month. Did five hours yesterday and I am taking today and tomorrow off so I'll get something of a week-end. Then if it's offered, I'll be putting in 4-5 hours each Saturday and maybe some Sunday hours, too. Through September. What I really need is a raise.

Bailey is staying with us this week-end while Dan heads to Wichita to hang out with John. I found out John lost his Maxwell last week - Diane had taken him running in the August heat (it was over 100 degrees in Wichita) and he overheated, convulsed and died. Awful. He was a beautiful young dog, only 4. And John idolized him. Heartbreaking.

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