Thursday, June 30, 2011

House Full

OMG- I have a house full of people and more seem to be coming! I haven't had any down time since last Wednesday when Dan and the girls arrived. They were followed by Tom and his group and now John and his family are coming in. I've seen every Hunt except Charlie in the last 24 hours. It's been fun but - wow - glad it's just me and Shawn.

So far we've gone to Chuck E Cheese, swimming at the Weissenbachs (twice) got the girls manicures, had Susanna's girls over, eaten pizza, ice cream, IHOP. Tomorrow me, Dan, Mykenzie, Lindsey, Felicia, Emily, Krissy, Andrea, Ana, Alex and Miguel are going to Schlitterbahn for the afternoon. Should be fun but, again, exhausting! AND I still have a week to go with the houseguests! We have George's birthday party on Saturday and Independence Day on Monday. Next week Dan is going to be more on his own as I have to work every day (thank God!)

Then it's a week in the mountains with John and his family and Charlie (maybe - I'll believe that when it happens).

I'll never be so glad to get back to my regular routine in my life!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Check In

Still don't know exactly when to expect Dan - and I have a lot of work to do before they come. I have GOT to get these carpets cleaned - they smell awful. I don't know if one of the cats is still hitting it or what, but it's real bad. There goes a quick $300. Then I have to clean the shower head, see if I can get the cat smell out of the mattress (yes, it's there, too), and tons of other things. I'm tired just thinking about it all.

I still don't know what I'm going to do with them. I figure we can hit Schlitterbaun one day, maybe T-Rex for a meal another day. July 4th will take care of itself. I don't know - and it doesn't make me feel any better knowing I'm abandoning them almost as soon as they arrive. I have to make sure George entertains them while I'm in Hermann. Wish I could get out of that trip; the timing just sucks. Maybe we can hit the zoo one of the days. If it isn't too hot. Trying to think of things that won't cost an arm and a leg, too. The zoo would be free because of the passes. Wonder if they would be interested in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat at the New Theatre. That would cost us three tickets as we have two still from Shawn's folks. I'll have to check that.

I still have to confirm with Charlie that he's planning on going to Manitou Springs. He's been so quiet - I bet he backs out. If he does and if Tom and his kids don't go, I'll just drive my car to Wichita and catch a ride with John - save on renting a car. Wish I could back out of that, too. It didn't pan out the way I had hoped. I hate The Jackass.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Almost Set

The air line tickets have been purchased (and seats picked out), the Hyatt hotel room has been booked (for the first night), the Park tickets have been upgraded to include the water parks and the resort rooms have been upgraded to Preferred. All we have left to do is decide what we want to do on the cruise excursions and pay for it all! That first one will be easy - the second one a bit more painful!

Dan and the girls are due in a few weeks. Before then I have to get carpet cleaners over to do our living room carpet and the guest bedroom's carpet. I have tried just about everything I can think of and it still smells of cat spray. I'm going to have to replace it - again! But not this year as I can't afford it. Dang it.

I think we'll take them to Schlitterbaun - maybe on Felicia's birthday (as I have that day off). And then we'll hit T-Rex for sure, the Weissenbach pool (a few times as that's free!) - I'm not sure what else we'll do. I have to work that week after July 4 so they will be on their own for that period. And I'll be out of town the first week-end they're here. I have to plan a July 4th celebration, too. Tom and his group will be moved in (right down the street!) by then and maybe I can talk John into the drive and Charlie to put down the beer long enough to join us. Wouldn't it be something if all seven of us came together? Of course that would mean my inviting Susanna - I'll think on that.

I need to figure out what else I can do with the girls. Research!!