Friday, December 26, 2008

After Christmas Doledrums

Christmas is over; all that's left is taking down all the Christmas stuff. That will take a few days. Heck, I still have my winter clothes in boxes - I need to switch out wardrobes this week-end for sure.

I am taking George to KC tomorrow and we're hanging out with Charlie. I have their gifts I need to take, too. Nothing fabulous but some fun things I hope. I missed not seeing any of my family over the holidays. Maybe next year some of us can go to John's for Christmas. Watch his kids open gifts.

I have to write out my New Year resolutions. They will pretty much be the same as last year: lose weight, socialize more, save money, pay down credit card debt, read a book a month, spend more quality time with Shawn. Nothing much ever changes in my life, not even my resolutions. I tell you, I'm so deep in this midlife crisis I don't know if I'll ever get out of it.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Big Chill

I thought Shawn had adjusted the thermostat down; it was reading 62. So I adjusted it to 66. Two hours later it was adjusted back to 62! Cujo was burying herself under the blankets in her sleeping basket. I don't know what's going on; we either have a ghost messing with the temperature or the thermostat/furnace is going bonkers. I don't like either prospect. So we have someone coming out tomorrow to figure if we need an adjustment or an exorcism.

And we're suppose to be getting our next round of bad weather tomorrow - just in time for my infusion. I might have to cancel if the freezing rain starts by 10:00. I'm not driving to Overland Park on ice. Have I mentioned I hate winter?

I got a letter from Susanna but I'm not sure what the purpose was. She just reiterates how much she blames me for calling SRS in September and she can't see past that. Then the last paragraph says she's sending the letter to see what the outcome will be. I don't know what she wants from me... and I guess she's getting nothing. She and her brilliant husband are too hard for me - I am sick of walking on eggshells around them for fear of saying something that they won't like and will retaliate by not letting me hang with their daughters. I miss the girls but to be honest, my life has been easier not having to deal with the drama that is my sister. I'll have to think on this for awhile.

I'm off to bed; let's hope the furnace holds on (it's suppose to get down to 15 or something so no furnace means misery and frozen pipes for sure!)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Table for Two

George called asking if I wanted to take him out and feed him. I did. I don't mind doing it right now but that game could get old pretty quick. He says he's looking for a job and I have to believe him, I know this is the worst possible time to be unemployed, but... Anyway, we went to Culvers for a fairly cheap meal (if $20 is cheap).

I had Tom's four kids over for the night last week-end. They were suppose to be here at 4:00 so we could catch the town's Christmas parade and fireworks - they showed up at 6:00, sat in front of the TV and didn't blink until I sent them to bed. They were back up and in front of the TV before I got up in the morning. I fed them and took them home. Not really what I was hoping for when I invited them over. They have an obsession with TV; that's all they want to do. Next time I will pick them up and take them someplace then take them home. Can't watch TV when there isn't one!

Tomorrow I head to Lee's Summit for a cookie exchange. It's going to take me an hour to get there and an hour to get home. All for cookies. But the lady having the party is a well-liked coworker of mine and she's excited about having the gathering. And I'm sure I will enjoy it once I get the drive over with! I'll have to remember to Map Quest directions before I head out!

This is the 12th and we've had exactly one Christmas card. I sent mine out two weeks ago. People just don't send cards like they used to. I only sent 16 myself. I've stopped sending cards to people who only send them to me when they get mine and it's the only time I hear from them all year. In a few more years I won't get a card at all!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sick Cats

Two out of four cats are sick - one, Mysterious, is very sick. He and Cujo are both feeling icky. Cujo is kind of up and moving, drinking water at least. Myster has gone from under the bed to my lap, back under the bed and is now in Shawn's hamper. He hasn't eaten, had anything to drink or used the litter box all day. If he is still like this tomorrow, it's off to the vet. $200 I"m sure, but I will definitely pay it if they can make him feel better (and ensure it's nothing more than a tummy ache or a cold or something). I hate when my babies get sick; they look so unhappy and I can't really help them too much. Poor babies. I highly suspect it's from the Purina Cat Chow I have for Tucker and the outside friends. Tucker will ONLY eat Purina and the other cats prefer it, even though I know it makes Cujo sick and I suspect it makes Myster sick. Tiger Lily seems to be able to eat anything and be OK. I try to keep the 'bad' food away from Cujo but I'm not very successful, and I haven't kept it from Myster at all. I have to do better for them.

I bought some of Shawn's Christmas gifts. Hopefully they won't just end up in the closet or a drawer somewhere, unused, unwanted and forgotten. I'm not very good at getting him things. When all he does is watch TV and play poker with his friends, there's not a whole lot he needs or uses. I've tried to get him things to get him interested in a hobby or activity but it's never really worked. And he won't make a list out for me; he always just says, 'don't get me anything'. And that would make me feel useless. He knows I have to get him SOMETHING. He's a hard one to shop for.